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You are invited to help conference planners determine the order of legislation to be presented at World Conference by completing a short survey. When you scan the QR code with your smartphone camera, you should see a link in yellow that you can click on to access the survey. Once you have accessed it, you can find a link to the legislation to see what each item is about. If you want to know more, look for the Background Statements (in blue) on the right-hand side of the legislation page. Click on Background Statements to learn who initiated the legislation and why. Thank you for participating!
Join us the second Sunday of each month!
10:50 a.m. - Meditation Music
11:00 a.m. - Worship
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Passcode: worship
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Meeting ID: 832 2954 3443
Passcode: 6174639
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For online worship at 12 noon EDT each Sunday, visit CentrePlace.ca, where you can worship with the Toronto Community of Christ and members around the world.
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